1 Richard Perron and Deron Miller, "Landscape of the Mind," p. 72.

2 Christopher Alexander, Notes on the synthesis of form, 1964, p. 11.

3 Peter Rowe, Design Thinking, 1987, p. 50.

4 _____, p. 48.

5 Carl Steinitz, "Design is a verb; Design is a noun," 1995, p. 199.

6 Carl Steinitz, GIS Europe, "A framework for theory and practice in landscape planning," 1993, p. 42.

7 The corridor concept is affected by both spatial and temporal scale. Deer may traverse one type of corridor every day in the search for food, while butterflies may use a migratory corrider twice a year. Each situation has different planning implications.

8 Christopher Alexander, A Pattern Language, 1977, p. 230.

9 Lawrence Susskind and Mike Elliott, "Paternalism, conflict, and co-production: learning from citizen action and citizen participation in Western Europe," 1983.

10 U.S. Census Bureau data is at http://www.census.gov/cdrom/lookup

11 "Demography" at http://www.ciesin.org/datasets/us-demog/us-demog-home.html and "Right to Know Network" at http://rtk.net/

12 Christopher Alexander, Notes on the synthesis of form, 1964, p. 11. Also see page here.

13 Jane Jacobs, Death and Life of American Cities, 1961.

14 Forman and Godron, Landscape Ecology, 1986.

15 One GIS application, Arc/Info, has implemented a new data model called the REGION data model, which attempts to address this issue.

16 I weighted my experience greater than Lynch's because his sketch plan reflects the city in the late 1950s. This area is still the heart of the downtown though, so his analysis has relevance today.

17 Christopher Alexander, A Pattern Language, p. 81.

18 ____, p. 71.

19 Allan Jacobs, Great Streets, 1993.

20 Boston Housing Authority, "Phase 2: Request for Development Proposals, Mission Main Redevelopment," January 31, 1996, p. 8.

21 Jane Jacobs, "Chapter 2: The uses of sidewalks: safety," 1961.

22 Statement of the Boston Housing Authority's Mission Main coordinator.

23 page 13.